This article is all about the three most common words we all might be hearing almost on an everyday basis. But there u take it for granted…there is a difference between hearing and knowing them and implementing them. So let’s ponder upon them.
BELIEF: Now I suppose we college students have the strongest beliefs about our friends na !? That no matter whether it’s 2 am or 3 am I will get the photos for my journals to be submitted on time ..on our parents the no matter whatever hardships they need to take they will always get the best for you. On our teachers for grades, and on almost everyone surrounding us, at different extents. BUT you know the most important person to believe and rely upon is YOURSELF. Once you Inculcate this habit on banking upon yourself trust me you have half past won the battle of life . Its only you who will be there for yourself at all times and all conditions. We guys are very much capable of being a lone warriors for ourselves its just that we are so habituated of assistance that we never try ourselves. Even The most celebrated personalities have one thing in common that is belief, not on their peers but on Themself. Also i “believe” self belief is the key to confidence.
CHOICE : The simplest and most ordinary word it seems na !? No matter whatever you are doing you always have to go through this . From the Trivial things to the life changing ones we always have a choice. Choice to bunk a class or chill out a bit, to run behind grades or co curricular development and choices in whatnot . All you need to do is prioritize your needs and stuff. Before making any choice always ask yourself that is this decision helping me in my self growth or is it something really refreshing to me. We always have answers within ourselves but we end up seeking them outside. We always need to be mindful for making the choices because at the end of the day its u who are either going to regret or give a pat on the back to ourself .
Attitude : At the end of the day , everything boils down to your attitude. How u perceive the things around you. One always need to keep the attitude of gratitude. Synchorizing na !? …thats the way ur it should be . Always be grateful of the things that happen around you. Sometimes things arent in our favour always and isnt suppose to be na everytime…some are just to give us life long learning . Its perfectly fine if the table is against you , you will always sail through if our attitude is optimistic.
Guys all i would say at the end is BE YOU . Dont let yourself get influenced by other people’s judgement. Bcoz we live in a world where no matter whatever you do you are always going to get judged. Never seek for other’s validation for our peronal matter just dont them so much power. Do whatever pleases you,What you think is best for you. And always always remember you are your own kind of unique personality.
By Dwija Shrimali