Why is body shaming still a thing? Ever wondered?

Why is body shaming still a thing? Ever wondered?

Why is body shaming still a thing? Ever wondered? Why isn’t being fat, being skinny, having grey strands from an early age, acnes, facial hair, cellulite etc. still not normalized? It disappoints me that at this very particular time where we are surrounded by skylines and the best tech possible, why aren’t people accepted for their hearts. I personally have been body shamed from my teenage. What affect did it have on me? Initially it made me very very self-conscious, it lowered my self-esteem, made me to not socialize and the list may go on and then came a time where I developed the IDGAF attitude. I embraced my beautiful flaws which made me different from others. I was tired of being insecure and changing something which wasn’t in my hands. But today I thought from the past few times I’ve become more aware and conscious regarding myself. Why? Why have I changed? I’m not saying that I have never judged anyone in my entire life, but I do regret it. You don’t even have the slightest idea how much a single joke or comment can affect that person. They develop social anxiety, starts having depressing thoughts and more. Body shaming doesn’t only mean you pass mean and rude comments, just by giving the stare you can crush the person’s whole self-esteem. It’s not in their hands, they already know that they have their flaws (I no more consider anything related with physical appearance as a FLAW) then why is the society constantly reminding them of it? Why can’t people just be kind and for once not judge anyone on their looks? I know some people don’t ACTUALLY mean what they say, they just say it the light way, but for the victim it strokes his/her mind one more time. Tomorrow when you have kids and you see that your child has started staying alone, stopped socializing, lowered self-esteem etc. and you find out that they had been constantly body shamed at school, what are you gonna tell them?                 

I promise myself that from now on I won’t be responsible for any person to be doubting about the things they can’t change


Sneha Gorania, 19BPH

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